Imagine what it would feel like to no longer have substantial credit card debt, have bill collectors harassing you, and/or live paycheck to paycheck. Better yet, imagine what it would feel like if you could buy your dream home, take a great vacation, or help someone else in need.
If you are a:
An unemployed individual being called and harassed by bill collectors to pay the past-due debt
A married couple experiencing stress and conflict due to money issues
A small business owner who has not been able to take advantage of business financing options for your business
An employed individual who is living paycheck to paycheck and using credit cards to fill in the expense gaps
A single person who has missed one or more monthly payments on a credit card, a car loan, or a mortgage
We have several options to help you restore your credit. Choose the path that can serve as a gateway to achieving your vision.
Inspire Enterprise's The Way to Wealth Self Credit Repair Program
This program is an education and resource tool that empowers you to take control over your finances. We partner with you to create and implement a strategy to repair and build your credit and enhance your financial future. In Inspire Enterprise's The Way to Wealth Self Credit Repair Program, you will learn:
Module 1 – How to Read Your Credit Report
You will:
- Obtain tools that will enable you to identify key areas of your credit report
- Understand what is on your credit report so that you can implement a credit repair and build strategy
Module 2 – How to Develop a Credit Building Strategy
You will:
- Gain an understanding of the key factors the credit bureaus use to establish your credit score
- Customize your Personal Action Plan to begin building your credit
- Identify key areas on your credit report that you can strategically influence to improve your credit score
- Utilize tools that will enable you to develop your credit-building strategy with ease
Module 3 – How to Develop a Budget
You will:
- Gain awareness about your current financial situation
- Create a customized budget, savings/investment plan, and spending plan
- Utilize a resource that will enable you to stick to your budget with ease
In addition, you will also receive:
- Videos that will walk you through each module step by step
- PDF transcripts of all videos so that you can follow along with greater ease
- A Handout that will arm you with the essential knowledge to deal with debt collectors more effectively
- A Bonus LIVE YOUR VISION video and worksheet that will enable you to establish your very own VISION PLAN
- Worksheets and Exercises in each module that will allow you to develop and implement all actions required to achieve financial success
Inspire Enterprise's The Way to Wealth Customized Program
Each person's credit report is unique. Once we assess your credit report, we customize a solution just for you. We partner with you to get the job done. When you choose this program, you will get:
One-On-One consultation to understand your financial goals
An assessment of your credit report and a customized solution to repair and build your credit
Credit repair, credit build, and debt collection services
Valuable information that will enable you to develop and implement a sound financial strategy through repairing and building and budgeting your finances.
A journey always start with the first step
Inspire Enterprise's The Way to Wealth Self Credit Repair Program walks you through a step by step process to repair and rebuild your credit and establish a sound budgeting system. Our program empowers and motivates you to take action.